How Much Do Drummers Make: A Comprehensive Guide to Drumming Salaries

Drumming is one of the most essential aspects of music. It is an integral part of music that gives rhythm and beat to the song. However, when it comes to the salary of drummers, people often wonder how much they make? In this detailed guide, we will discuss the salaries of drummers starting from entry-level salaries to the skyrocketing income of the most renowned drummers in the music industry.

The Average Drumming Salary

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, musicians and singers’ median annual salary in 2019 was $32,590. However, this figure doesn’t provide information regarding drummers’ salaries, as drummers can earn more or less depending on various factors such as job experience, location, or the kind of music played.

This article will provide comprehensive and current data on drumming salaries to answer the frequently asked question,’ How much do drummers make?’

Entry-Level Drumming Salaries

When it comes to beginners, they can earn a salary ranging from minimal to none at all. Gigging at local events like open mic nights or playing at coffee shops could pay as little as zero to $150 for a single performance. This type of gig is excellent for beginners who want to gain confidence and experience.

Session Drumming Rates

Session drummers are usually hired by artists and music producers to play in their songs or albums. According to Music Connection, the standard rate for session drumming is between $200 to $300 per song. However, the salary range could vary according to the drummer’s level of skill, the amount of time spent recording, among other factors.

Touring Drumming Salaries

Touring drummers are paid handsomely than session drummers. They can earn up to $500 to $2,500 every week, depending on the band’s popularity, the length of the tour, and many other factors. Some of the most-paid touring drummers could earn upwards of $10,000 every week.

Drumming Studio Work

Drummers can also be hired to play live in a studio setting. This could include recording tracks for commercials, movie soundtracks, or even other media. According to Thumbtack, a website that helps professionals find gigs, the average rate for a drumming session in the studio is between $100 to $300 per hour.

Drummer Salary Trends

The rise of streaming services and the decline of physical album sales affected the amount of money that drummers could earn. It has led to a decrease in royalties for musicians and drummers. However, there is an increase in touring opportunities as bands hit the road to make up for the revenue loss from streaming services.

Many drummers today are finding success by expanding their income streams. They can do this by teaching drum lessons, creating online content like tutorial videos and how-to guides, or even starting their drumming-related business.


Drummers play an important role in the music industry, and they earn a good amount of money regardless of their level of experience. The salaries can vary from minimal to thousands of dollars, depending on many factors, as explained in this guide. The ever-evolving industry offers many avenues for drummers to make money by diversifying their income streams. Whether a beginner or a seasoned drummer, with passion, hard work, and dedication, anyone can make a good living in the music industry.

Drummers Earnings: A Detailed Guide to How Much They Make

Music has been one of the sources of entertainment and livelihood for many people for a long time. Drumming is one of the most fundamental aspects of music that gives rhythm and beat to the song. It is one of the most interesting musical instruments often used in a wide range of music genres like rock, jazz, pop, and many others. However, one question that many drum beginners and enthusiasts ask is how much do drummers make? In this guide, we will take a look at drumming salaries from several aspects.

The Median Annual Drumming Salaries

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for musicians and singers was $32,590 in 2019. However, this figure does not specifically note down the salaries of drummers. In reality, the earnings of drummers range from a few bucks to millions of dollars each year. Factors that determine how much a drummer makes include the level of experience, location, the music played, and several others.

Entry-Level Drumming Salaries

For beginners, the average salary for drummers can vary significantly depending on the type and level of gigs they are playing. Drummers at this level could play for free, for tips or payments ranging from $50 to $150 for a single performance.

Session Drumming Rates

Session drumming is an essential aspect of drumming. Session drummers are usually hired by recording artists and music producers to play on specific tracks or albums. The standard rate for a session drumming could range between $200 to $300 per song. However, this can vary according to the drummer’s level of expertise and the amount of time spent recording.

Touring Drumming Salaries

Touring drummers are usually hired by bigger bands and musical acts. They can earn significantly more than session drummers. The average salary for a touring drummer could range from $500 to $2,500 per week, depending on the popularity of the band or artist, the length of the tour, and other factors. However, well-known touring drummers could earn upwards of $10,000 per week.

Drumming Studio Work

Drummers can also be hired to play live in a studio. This could involve recording tracks for commercials, movie soundtracks, among others. According to Thumbtack, an online platform for professionals to find gigs, the average rate for a drumming session in a studio is $100 to $300 per hour. The fee depends on the complexity of the project and the client’s requirements.

Drummer Salary Trends

The music industry has changed drastically over the years, affecting drummers’ earning potential. The rise of streaming services and the decline of album sales has led to a decrease in the amount of money that musicians and drummers can make from royalties. However, many artists have found a way to compensate for this by increasing touring activities as bands hit the road to make up for the lost revenue.

Drummers can also find other ways to diversify their income streams. For instance, they could teach drumming lessons, create online content such as instructional videos, or even start a drumming-related business.

Final Thoughts

This guide provides comprehensive data on drumming salaries. The earnings for drummers can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the type of gigs played, location, experience level, and the music genre. The industry continues to evolve, offering many avenues for drummers to make money by diversifying their income streams. Drumming can provide a great livelihood option for those with passion and dedication to the craft.

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